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客机事故频出 波音公司股价大跌近5%

2013年07月15日 08:29   来源:经济参考报   廖冰清

  Shares of Boeingdroppedalm ost 5percentFridayafter anem pty787experiencedafire atH eathrow A irport.


  T he fire broke outon the E thiopianA irlines planeonFridayafternoon,andw asdiscoveredw hensm okew as seenontheplaneeight hours after arrivingfrom A ddisA baba.N oone w as injured.


  Investigatorsclassified the fire asa“serious incident”but have foundnoevidence itw as causedbytheplane’s batteries,Britain’sA ir A ccidents InvestigationBranch(A A IB)saidonSaturday.

  英国航空事故调查部门(A A IB)13日证实这是一起“严重事故”,但尚未发现证据表明此次事故是由飞机的电池系统引起的。(路透社)

  T he U K A irA ccidentsInvestigationBranch’s findingw ill provide lim itedcom fort tothe m anufacturer because it w as the overheatingof lithium -ionbatteries ontw oD ream liners inJanuarythat prom ptedregulatorstoorderaglobal groundingof Boeing’s new est andm ostsophisticatedpassenger jet.


  T he planes w ere clearedtoresum e flyinginA pril after Boeingredesignedthe batterysystemandgot approval for thechanges from globalaviationregulators. Ethiopianw as the first air-line toresum e usingthe 787.


  M eanw hile,Thom son A irw ays said on Saturdaythat it had replaced a sm all num ber of com ponents ona D ream liner that turnedbackduringa flight onFriday from M anchester to Florida,adding the aircraftw ould fly again on Sunday. The U K airline said theDream liner,which returned to Britain as a precaution-ary m easure,had suffered a“m inor technicalissue”.


  Boeingshares fell $5.01,or 4.7percent,to $101 .87 in trading Friday . T hesharesearlier droppedas low as $98.99.


  Shares of Boeingsuppliers alsofell. PrecisionCastparts fell $3.49,or 1.5 percent,to $233.78.Spirit A erosystem s,w hichalso m akes parts for the787,fell48 cents,or 2.1 percent,to $22.65.

  波音公司供应商的股价也受到牵连。Precis-ionC astparts下跌3.49美元至233.78美元,跌幅为1.5%。同样为787客机生产零部件的SpiritA erosystem s下跌了48美分至22.65美元,跌幅为2.1%。(美联社)

  Citi analyst JasonG urskysaida fire relatedtotheplane’selectrical system,evenif it isnot tiedtothe lithium -ionbattery,w ouldbe aconcernfor investors.



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